Based in Western Australia with her family and two dogs, registered nurse and published author, Kamille Roach, is also trained in LES MILLS GRIT®, LES MILLS SPRINT®, LES MILLS TONE® and RPM®.
“I’m part-time at everything and have the support of my family, friends and colleagues. I’m lucky because each role addresses different areas for me – nursing, for example, satisfies my professional/care side; writing draws me into an internal/fantasy world; and instructing taps into the physical, social and excited side of me.”
“I became a Les Mills instructor five years ago, and it’s been the best five years of my life because there’s a knock-on effect with exercise. Group fitness, particularly HIIT, puts me in a great headspace which leaves me feeling more confident and productive. This means I get more done and say ‘yes’ more often which, in turn, opens up new opportunities; and so the positive cycle continues.”
“Having suffered a mood disorder for most of my life, I can’t emphasis enough how group fitness has enhanced the quality of my life! Initially, I went to group fitness classes for the music; I had begun regular exercise at home to manage my weight, but then I discovered how good exercise made me feel! After an RPM Instructor suggested I train, I stepped right out of my comfort zone and did the Initial Module Training. It was so challenging and so worth it! Group fitness instruction takes fitness to a whole new level. It’s so much fun – euphoric even, at times – and we get to do it again and again! Amazingly, I don’t have mood swings anymore!”
“Being trained in multiple programs is great! It teaches you to be professional and connect with different groups of people. It increases my versatility too, so I’m not always repeating one set of movements. LES MILLS TONE, for instance, has improved my range of motion; plus, the music is awesome! I get to impress my teens with the music I’m listening to!”
“We have some wonderful Instructors and mentors here in Perth. For my first program (RPM), Lee Smith was my Trainer. I’d never heard of him. We started the training by participating in his usual RPM class. Despite the often-challenging intensity, the quality of Lee’s instruction took the pain away. He was so confident, knowledgeable, smooth, and yes, so cool! Afterwards, I wanted to be an Instructor who could get people hooked, just like Lee does! When a participant first told me I’d taken the pain away, I almost cried!”

“As a Les Mills Instructor, I feel happy, motivated and inspired every day. Having to be your best means respecting your body, and taking care of yourself physically and mentally, so you can provide the best fitness experiences. Class times tend to vary so you can fit instructing in around a career and other interests. Plus, you get to be part of an amazing Les Mills team, which extends all around the world.”
“Group fitness takes you out of your own life, and allows you to be part of someone else’s. I once saw a young mother walking along the road with two tiny kids and when she showed up in class, I went and said ‘hello’. It turned out that her partner worked away, and she didn’t have family around, or a car. Her class at the gym was her one respite. I was so humbled and grateful that I vowed to make every class the best possible experience for every participant.”
“Being a Les Mills Instructor has taught me to be my best self. When I became an Instructor I was suddenly surrounded by upbeat, generous, and inspiring humans. I wanted to be like all of them! Being an Instructor has shown me we are capable of more than we might believe we are. It’s taught me humility, patience, and perseverance; for example, when a participant overcomes huge odds just to turn up, or if a new LES MILLS TONE move is super hard to grasp, or a LES MILLS SPRINT Release takes you past your limit.”
You can connect with Kamille via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or online at Photos by Tim Roach and Amy Loffler.